
Clicked Advertisement

In which one of these eNewsletters have you clicked on an advertisement?

Source of Industry News

Which one of these eNewsletters is a timely source of industry news?

Noticed Advertisements On

Which one of these eNewsletters have you noticed advertisements on?

Made a Purchase from an Advertisement You Clicked On

Which one of these eNewsletters have you made a purchase from an advertisement you clicked on?

*Stats are from the Rail Industry Readership and Digital Usage Study 2021

Daily News E-Newsletter

Subscribe to the Daily News

An effective & affordable advertising opportunity

Our Daily News eNewsletter is working better than ever for our advertisers. After meticulously researching data and analyzing how users engaged with the Daily News, the product is working at its best for you. It's now easier to scan, read and engage with content every day. In addition, our targeted subscriber list is the largest in the marketplace and our user open rates exceed B2B advertising norms.

  • Device independent/mobile first design: Layout is fluid regardless of the device, working equally well on smart phones, tablets and desktops.
  • Integrated ad design: Based on testing and analytics, we're seeing advertisers get much better engagement and results.
  • Ideal for current digital marketing techniques like inbound marketing and content marketing, the format not only drives better results, it also gives advertisers more room for messaging and helps readers better understand campaigns.
  • Build brand recognition in the most anticipated newsletter in the industry.
  • Daily News recipients request to receive the newsletter; it's not an unsolicited spam e-mail. They get it because they want it and anticipate it.
Ad Opportunities

Top Leaderboard: Only one position available per email. Get the leading ad and make a big impact on this market.

Integrated Inline Ad: Four of these positions are available per email. Ad positions rotate throughout the campaign run to give even visibility to all advertisers.

Highlighted Inline Ad: Garner more attention for your message by upgrading your ad to include an eye-catching highlight. We only allow one highlight upgrade per email. Highlight Sample »


45,000+ engaged rail industry professionals

With a 5x program, your message is included on over 225,000 emails sent.


Get the number of total opens for eNewsletters on which your ad appears and get click totals and demographic information for readers that followed your link. Demographic information includes name, title, company, street, address and phone if this information exists in our database.


Please upload your digital file here - https://tradepress.com/uploads/file/

If you have any issues or questions, please reach out to clientservices@tradepress.com

If you'd like to email your materials to clientservices@tradepress.com please be aware that we only accept the latest versions of Microsoft files. (File types accepted are: .xlsx, docx, pptx and .pdf)

Be sure to indicate in the email the materials are for a PR Daily News ad and indicate your company name.